Android redraw view not working. I implemented the Interface View.

Android redraw view not working This document is based on the code of android-4. Use this to invalidate the View from a non-UI thread. I'm wondering if the calling to View. I want the recycler view to refresh when ever an item Is added without having to do a manual refresh. Feel free to I have a LinearLayout that I would like to change the background color of when one of its child views (an ImageButton) is clicked. I know that can be done by setContentView but for a fragment this does not work as it needs to inflate the view. May 26, 2020 · I have custom ViewPager and PagerAdapter which is loading items inside instantiateItem. If you want to create custom view in which have to be your custom drawings for different touch states (pressed, selected, focused etc. Feb 28, 2021 · In my recyclerview, I get data from internet and when pulled down it refreshes the data but during the process of retrieving the information from internet, the refresh icon seems to freeze. 3 but in Android 4. This should work and hit the breakpoint in the command that is bound. Mar 4, 2025 · The pull to refresh component allows users to drag downwards at the beginning of an app's content to refresh the data. API surface. please help . setLayoutParams(params); Dec 28, 2013 · The above code works great up to Android 4. can i call an intent to refresh my list ? I cant refresh my adapter with : adapter. invalidate immediately redrawing the screen in my android game 1 When invalidate method called on an array of Views, the first View is not redrawn Jun 29, 2015 · Clear grid view and regenerate it in android. I have set this content in onCreate method of my Main Activity, but such changes didn't apply to my imageview. invalidate()); or. Not sure Is there a way to do this as I have attempted to detach and attach the view again but it does not change view when onCreateView is recalled where the binding is set. In my case, I wanted an image refresh on locale update but, apparently, it seems that, since the resId does not change, the ImageView just disregards your request, not checking if the resource itself has changed. Feb 24, 2013 · The size of the view is specified by android:layout_width and android:layout_height. This seems to work, but the app crashes when the timer starts. Jun 10, 2022 · ideally, you will have a parent view that contains both View A and View B, as in. First, create a new android project, we define a class, and inherit View, the class name is: DrawView: Jun 27, 2011 · when a user selects a menu option, I catch it in onMenuItemSelected and then call findViewById(R. Nov 15, 2023 · Description I tried upgrading Skia, but SkiaView. Is there a way to make the redraw happen immediately? Dec 5, 2011 · To make your onListItemClick() work you need to write android:focusable="false" for other items of the ListView, its because of the focus of other views ListView's onListItemClick() is not peforming as it should be performing. If you want to keep the space, you can use View. They all might work in some particular contexts but it did not do the job in my case. Reparenting a View in Android not working. Vivaldi is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. What I need to do is set a random theme and then have all other views adopt this theme. When I debug to the end of the handler the graph is yet to be redrawn, but as soon as I continue the thread, the view is redrawn. But as I call refresh on the list and I want to populate Adapter with new (totally different) list, after calling viewPager. Remove item from GridView. You need to reload it. createBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, Bitmap. It can also be used to create simple animations, where you change state, then call invalidate(), change state again, etc. Calling onDraw shouldn't change the state of the view, rather that should draw your state of the view. note: if i'm without remove view added previousList + currentList added. Jan 15, 2019 · DiffUtil is a great improvement over the old notifyDataSetChanged method that forced the layout manager to redraw all the visible items. setRefreshing(false); you should call it when all the data has been updated. Today we will learn how to redraw View! The so-called redrawing is to redraw its appearance (style). Looking at the solutions explained here, there is a misunderstanding and therefore a poor usage of instantiated views from my point of view. For a simple rotation a Tween Animation would be better suited. It's quite a subtle problem, when I put the FrameLayout and my custom view in adjacent to each other, my custom view will be invalidated(and then onDraw() being called) when I scroll the ScrollView in the FrameLayout. invalidate() doesn't working. I personally developed a widget that play sprite animation, not that mature but the idea is to compose and swap the appearance using "setBitmap". Setting a variable inside the View will not invoke a draw on the View. I am using this in app billing library call adapter. Then I can back out and get the 4-in-1 view, which is live. Jul 29, 2009 · Jul 29, 2009. Jul 6, 2016 · My target is do redraw view on language change. May 10, 2017 · Refresh the listview after item is purchased by calling notifyDataSetChanged; Set the visibility of the button and image using View. Unfortunately, nothing changes however when I reload the Fragment (for example, rotating the device) I can see the new data. onCreate Mar 28, 2014 · Basically I have a drawer with a button in it. A neat trick if you want to redraw only one view from your adapter is to call getView manually for it if its position is visible - i. the problem is that even the database gets updated, the UI doesn not refresh with the new values. GONE); mScrollView. invalidate() is enough to redraw the view in Android 2. You should try to draw the background, characters, animations, etc. Sep 30, 2018 · I am trying to implement a list with SwipeRefresh and RecyclerView, however, using SwipeRefreshLayout blocks scrolling though the list. If you have a chance to look at getView method you will see that convertView is created just once. Jan 25, 2017 · You should not call invalidateViews and setAdapter to refresh your grid view. only saved (again, called on invalidate() or whenever the system needs to redraw this View): @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas. the place for the view is just empty, but taken. close and issue an adapter. 3, but stopped working in 4. But the main screen with the list of cameras on the NVR, seems to only use thumbnails of the last time the app viewed any footage for each specific camera. getPageProxy(). Therefore View. Jun 21, 2012 · This wouldn't work because invalidate() only schedules a redraw in the main thread event queue. Android - Removing Item Mar 22, 2017 · The problem is: when SwipeRefreshLayout have android:layout_height="match_parent" - nothing is showed on layout, when its set on something like 200dp it shows listview and refresh works. Mar 16, 2011 · +1 Thanks a lot, I had a similar problem and this solution worked for me. RecyclerView is not null. This is the Layout of my Main Activity: &lt;android. 0 Android : Refresh ListView not working. Jun 25, 2021 · I have a layout with navigation view with drawer layout as parent. That is the main class xml that contains view doesn't refresh. Nov 30, 2017 · I am retrieving data from mysqli database into android recycler view through volley string request. But the invalidate function doesn't work. Want to write a more complicated game, you must use SurfaceView to develop, do not think about using Layout and view to achieve, do not put a game The objects in the object are made into a component to handle. Depending on what you need to do, it might have alternatives. Run the application in the public repo. This is not the exact solution but it only worked. Here's the loop: Feb 25, 2012 · I only redraw a part off the View, but everything else is black. When you call notifyDataChanged, it will update Nov 15, 2016 · In my application I receive some data from a web server. graphics. Since it is necessary to redraw, you must first inherit the View class. Dec 14, 2017 · android - global layout refresh function Hot Network Questions Find a lost movie with a bit of a Christmas theme about girls with a truck that collects teeth in exchange for money Dialog input timeout not working on Android 13 comments. listview with order items + a button that opens a dialog box to set the Classic problem here: I'm fetching some data from a database into a recyclerView using an ArrayList of custom objects (and this happens in a Fragment, not in the Main Activity). I am using timer. Nov 13, 2016 · I'm trying to make a textView update alongside a timed loop. below is code snipet : Thank you both for this. recyclerview:recyclerview:1. // Create a string for the ImageView label private static final String IMAGEVIEW_TAG = "icon bitmap" // Creates a new ImageView ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this); // Sets the bitmap for the ImageView from an icon bit map (defined elsewhere) imageView. g. I'm drawing objects in my custom view class (that extends Jun 26, 2022 · one suggestion for the issue : use view tag for webview wrapping with scrollView will gets you bugs in lower versions of android and use flatlist for assigning webview in react native app instead of using scrollView and wrapping webview with view tag with collapsable={true} and webview with collapsable={false} and using domstorageenabled={true} and using container style with flex:0 flexGrow:1 Feb 10, 2021 · refresh does workout but scroll is not working. However when i remove contentContainerStyle={{flex: 1}} scroll start working but refresh control does not work then. I make a simple game using Canvas. invalidate(); If that doen't work you could try putting the heavy load on a AsyncTask. On MainPage. public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { return convertView; } so you can't get same state of check box it refresh all view. struct ParentView: View { @StateObject var bid: Bid = Bid() // use @StateObject when you create an ObservableObject in a View var body { // view stuff here ViewA(bid: bid) // other view stuff here ViewB(bid: bid) // perhaps more view stuff } } Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app. aging i'm trying to add new list in that linearlLayout not added. I need to when I get data then draw chart. Now the View is NOT removed, instead, it hides the View and display blank space. . notifyDataSetChanged()? Aug 5, 2014 · I have a visual element MyButton with a custom renderer implemented for iOS. 0&quot; enc Feb 13, 2018 · i'm struggling with this for a while, not sure if because almost 2 years of absence in Android DEV or my stupidity, I've tried everything and just cannot redraw my screen even if invalidate() is happening. reDraw(start, end) on second draw object, so the instance used in setContentView() is not invalidated, And second draw view object get Apr 7, 2012 · Do you have any other view also in the same layout, and are you doing any changing to them?. redraw() doesn't seem to work on Android. util. The I subclassed View to get an View on which the user can "draw" with his fingers. In 4. Here is my xaml code: <ScrollView> <StackLayout> <!--Der Frame ist Visible, wenn für den Tag eine für den Schüler betreffende Nachricht existiert ansonsten bleibt diese Nachricht unsichtbar--> <Button Text="Neue Nachrichten unter Aktuelles!" Aug 30, 2024 · When a refresh is triggered by the user, this property will automatically transition to true. I want to refresh the listView to requery the data Here's my layout that would open the di Dec 18, 2024 · Hello SAP Community, I'm currently working on an MDK (Mobile Development Kit) application and facing an issue with redrawing a sectioned table on an Android device. How to do this? May 7, 2013 · I can think in two possibilities: Option 1: You are running your code from a non-UI thread. So, a "GONE" view cannot come back. List view not getting refreshed. notifyDataSetChanged(), PagerAdapter stops working properly and those items are blank pages I have a fragment that inflates an xml layout. id. e. 1. DrawerLayout So the Rect dirty is Rect(0,0,0,0), if you not setup Drawable. public Sep 18, 2015 · Its Simple!. I previously had a problem in gridview which i solved myself i am posting the link because the code is same apart from the new functionality added in contextual task i dont know how to get the position of the img that i click so i can pass it to next acitvity the remaining code is as follow Mar 15, 2019 · I am having an annoying issue on RecyclerView, that it is getting its data properly, but the view won't redraw it self. LayoutParams) view1. 4. Aug 14, 2014 · The RecyclerView does not pick up on this layout change, although I call forceLayout on the ImageView, and the RecyclerView is initialized with setHasFixedSize(false). notifyDataSetChanged(); I tried: Jul 20, 2015 · I am using swipe refresh layout but it is not working for web view. GONE) and then recyclerView. Here is my code. GONE will remove the View from the screen, and the space occupied by the View is released to other Views on screen. How to update the views without scrolling? Mar 31, 2014 · I have a vertically aligned LinearLayout which contains a TextView, my own custom view class, and i'm hoping to put an ad at the bottom. In case of any layout changes also onDraw will be called. i want the linear layout to redraw the new function requested by the user everytime the user clicks the draw button. – Katherine99 May 18, 2012 · If you implement a custom view, you will need to call invalidate() whenever the backing model changes and you need to redraw your view. Aug 7, 2012 · In this Gallery every item i'm called updateDetails() method remove working fine. Redraw View Android. First, create a new android project, we define a class, and inherit View, the class name is: DrawView: public class DrawView extends View {public DrawView Jun 21, 2012 · This wouldn't work because invalidate() only schedules a redraw in the main thread event queue. How can I redraw only a part of Canvas? Feb 6, 2011 · Android--called invalidate() but view does not refresh 1 android. Swipe to refresh layout not May 13, 2015 · The issue is in your getView() function. 194, bu Jan 29, 2014 · The graph is drawn on a linear layout using some library. When I click on the button I want to hide a view (another button) that is loaded in the FrameLayout. However, when I try to refresh it, the data no-longer shows. View. invalidate() call recyclerView. please suggest correct way Aug 23, 2014 · However, if I remove the character in the same method that I create and share the image, the app crashes because it didn't get a chance to redraw the view first. Clicked += (sender, e) => (sender as MyButton). INTERNET"/> hope this will help you. With DiffUtil only the changed items need to be redrawn. It executes in the background and is based on Java Thread. So what you have to do is setup Drawable. v4, but from version 21. I could not make this work programmatically though; invalidating the list view, or the entire view pager even, had no effect. beginTransaction(); fragmentTransaction. Apr 24, 2019 · only layout have HIChartView -> java. So when we change the appearance of View and need to update the interface display, we can directly call the invalidate method. Since, the code is executed sequentially, first the view becomes GONE then it is overridden by the INVISIBLE type still taking up space. r/LumaFusion. Don't delay the call to pullToRefresh. This data is sent to a RecyclerView. GONE and View. onMeasure Jan 7, 2013 · UpdateComments is my own function. Feb 9, 2011 · I have my class implements Drawable. After I get a new List of products, I tried to: Update the ArrayList from the fragment where recyclerView is created, set new data to adapter, and then call adapter. detach(fragment); fragmentTransaction Apr 23, 2013 · Hi Triode, I load all the database values in the screen and the activity is not crashing. getLayoutParams(); params. This is done by by implementing getIntrinsicWidth() and getIntrinsicHeight(). Aug 5, 2014 · I am working on MultiDirectionSlidingDrawer motion events. It just saved me some hours of confusion with regards to ImageView refresh. But if the webpage your are using has a fixed header that does not scroll scrollY will always be equal to 0. EDIT. Use the PullToRefreshBox composable to implement pull-to-refresh, which acts as a container for your scrollable content. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Oct 31, 2010 · @Chris. 0 it is not. (I am using kotlin extension) Did you added the internet permission in your manifest file ? if not add the following line. ARGB_8888); bufMaps = quicky_XY(emptyBmap,positionX,positionY); } Feb 3, 2010 · Android :: TextView Marquee Not Working / What's Wrong? Android :: Ellipsize Not Working For TextView Inside Custom ListView; Android :: Typeface Affecting Text View Marquee? Android :: Donut - 1. The example should be easy to understand and help you to apply the same concept to your list view. I tried to draw the onDraw function differently every time, but it doesn't change after the first drawing. I created a test application for it and the same problem occurs. v4:21. v4. save(); bufMaps = Bitmap. 6 - Auto Complete Text View And Ellipsize; Android :: Getting View To Redraw When Parameters Change; Android :: How To Redraw Only A Part Of My Custom Aug 25, 2013 · I am a newbie. Feb 1, 2012 · In above problem, in onCreate() you took a view using draw = new Draw(this,dStart,dEnd); and then used in setContentView(draw), but when update() called you again created an object of Draw by using Draw draw = new Draw(this,dStart,dEnd); and call draw. 1 in HorizontalListview setSelection has no effect Jan 15, 2012 · View. This should not work, and won't hit the breakpoint in the command that is bound. I added the notifyDataSetChanged to the main activity's on create method but when ever an item Is added the recycler view doesn't refresh. Here is my code (the code in comment is not working and sometimes make the app crash) Jun 8, 2018 · For certain user inputs (touch events), it happens that one element in the ListView calls invalidate() on itself. when you have multiple rows and each one updates independently from the others. I am currently using androidx. Jun 20, 2012 · Invalidate, invalidateviews, notifyDatasetChanged, nothin worked for me! To just update the listview (with cursoradapter) I just do: cur = db. is there any way to resolve this? May 8, 2013 · I have a class that extends View and have the onDraw method implemented in my xml file I have a FrameLayout with my view and a RelativeLayout with a button &lt;?xml version="1. It is working fine if I initialize it for the first time with set list of items. invalidate(); Mar 7, 2012 · I've some database that i update with a service, and i want to update my listView on resume, or refresh it from time to time with the new data in it, but it's not working. 3 released at 10-12 December, 2014 and this is the reason. INVISIBLE. Here's some code: GameActivity. The problem is that understanding how it works is a little complex. public class BusinessAdapter extends RecyclerView. Jun 27, 2012 · Inside your onDraw() the canvas is not being changed. In this case, use postInvalidate() instead of invalidate() postInvalidate(): Cause an invalidate to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event loop. getView(). topMargin = 200; view1. – Dec 27, 2014 · This view must be scrollable, such a ScrollView or a ListView. Jan 29, 2013 · I have created my own component which extends RelativeLayout, inside it I have a field of View type which is being positioned with margins: Blue quad represents my parent view, and a red circle is a Mar 15, 2022 · Go to the page with the RefreshView in Android and try to pull to refresh. Shared: namespace RendererTest { public class MyButton: Button { public Color BoundaryColor { get; set; } } public static class App { public static Page GetMainPage() { var button = new MyButton { Text = "Click me!", BoundaryColor = Color. my_view); myView. How can I make the RecyclerView update its layout? With good'ol ListView this was not a problem. Jul 31, 2012 · I also noticed that when debugging with hierarchy viewer, selecting a view will always make it reappear, apparently because hierarchy viewer forces the selected view to redraw itself. 5. I think this might be work with a view group , but not a view. The problem is that sometimes, the element then redraws itself and sometimes not. display empty data. Feb 5, 2011 · I too have tried invalidate(), invalidateViews(), notifyDataSetChanged(). Steps to Reproduce. I need to open individual cameras to view them. The problem is SwipeRefreshLayout does not show at all, and hence the dat If I have a member variable inside the MyView that stores the text, and create a public setter for it, then just calling that method causes the MyView to redraw itself. Dec 4, 2014 · But after calling this method inside another (inside another class), the images are not changing. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Apr 20, 2014 · Borrowing from the link @ Android Custom Layout - onDraw() never gets called. 0 ongoing it doesn't work and still exists with android. Auto refresh not working in gridview after delete image. A refresh visualization is shown while the Nov 11, 2014 · That used to work on earlier version of the android. Bounds. INVISIBLE makes the view just invisible still taking up space. In my case I was invalidating a container (a ConstraintLayout) but the view inside it didn't get redrawn until I called postInvalidate() (from a service thread) directly on the view. 0" encoding="utf-8" Nov 22, 2011 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. view. As it is you can force to call the onDraw but not stopping of calling. BoundaryColor Dec 23, 2010 · I have a strange problem with StateListDrawable or maybe (probably) I'm missing something. But it will be worked when directly using setContentView(PuzzleView) in main class. I am able to do this, but not immediately - the change doesn't oc Jul 12, 2015 · I am trying to figure out what is the issue with updating RecyclerView's Adapter. Once the refresh completes, you should reset the property to false. There's not function call in the onTouch event handler that would explicitly do this. Config. During the propagation, the system determines the dirty area that needs to be redrawn. I am unable to set Visible or Gone layouts on Action_Move. Aug 16, 2011 · Alright, I have solved this problem. Bounds in some place in the code,like that: Refresh not working in Listview; Already looked up many other responses on similar topics but could not solve the problem. 0: This is my code : FragmentManager manager = getActivity(). It works fine up to version 1. If I scroll down and then up and my view redraws with getView method of the adapter new text is shown. 3. Note: PullToRefreshBox() is experimental. VISIBLE; None of the above seems to work. 0" encodi View. notifyDataSetChanged but onCreateViewHolder is not called; call recyclerView. ViewHolder> { private List<Business> mBusinesses = new ArrayList<Business>(); // Provide a reference to the type of views that you are using // (custom viewholder) public static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView. It is implemented with the BaseExpandableListAdapter and works great, except, when I edit the database to delete or add children to the list I do not see the changes onscreen. 2. this question is is similar to this * Android - Listview delete item and Refresh and this (the same , but I added the full code here to check if I have any problems in my code): please give me code example. Force Refresh Layout. java. Below I include the XML code for the drawer. Why isn't view. voice(calcResult); textViewOutputScreen. This means that the redraw will be performed only when the current code has all been executed (in this case, the for cycle). setAdapter(null) and then recyclerView. I have tried using layout. 1_r6 (Jelly Bean). After setting the image, I then call postinvalidate(). Android: can't refresh my listview. From the docs for invalidate() This must be called from a UI thread. SwipeRefreshLayout not working on android version 22 and down. Red }; button. Here is the code: android; refresh; boolean macro does not work more hot Aug 30, 2013 · You can call these methods on one view in the Adapter's getView() method, or only call invalidate on the ListView (or other view) itself, and it will only redraw the visible elements. I've tried making it invalidate() every time it loops. invalidate(); to refresh the view, but not working. The code snippet I'm using is as follows: let container2 = context. SwipeRefreshLayout indicator does not appear when the setRefreshing(true) is called before the SwipeRefreshLayout. getControl('SectionedTable0'); container2. Following is my Custom GifLoader java code Jun 11, 2014 · Thanks to pskink I was able to create complete solutions so here is it. Cause an invalidate to happen on a subsequent cycle through the event loop. schedule to schedule invalidateSelf() but nothing happend. First, the invalidate() call will be propagated back to the root of the view hierarchy. However the image does not immediately show up. I need to redraw it periodicaly to get some "blink" effect. However, these views won't necessarily already have the correct images loaded into them, they are views that were previously being used for displaying different cells in the grid at different positions. Jul 14, 2016 · I'm using a SwipeRefreshLayout with a RecyclerView, both in a Fragment. Jul 24, 2013 · notifyDataSetChanged() will redraw all views in your adapter. You could add AsyncTask as a nested class in you current class/Activity Jan 17, 2013 · Whenever you work with multiple threads in an Android GUI you should use Handlers. NoSuchElementException: HIOptions not found in HIChartView. Everything works like a charm until I try to refresh the recyclerView using a spinner that changes how the data is sorted. The download is performed in a thread and in that same thread I also set an image view with the newly downloaded image. Use the below lines. after AsyncTask initialize -> java. I have successfully detach and attach current fragment, but drawer items are not translated. GridView reuses views by passing them to getView() in convertView. With this however, everytime I need to refresh the data set, I need to keep running this block of code (which gets a bit difficult inside an onClick() for a button due to "this" not being available. I implemented the Interface View. You are first using GONE and then INVISIBLE on the same view. OnTouchListener. redraw(); T Feb 16, 2015 · Try this code for drag and drop, you can refer this link and it works i have used it. invalidate() but this is not working in my app. unlockCanvasAndPost() Does Not Cause Redraw; Android :: Getting View To Redraw When Parameters Change; Android :: Redraw Linearlayout After Clicking On Button? Android :: How To Redraw Only A Part Of My Custom View; Android : Get A Custom View To Redraw Partially? Jan 10, 2023 · Cannot redraw a graphics view when the view is inside either a grid or stacklayout. Adapter<BusinessAdapter. How can I trigger within the onTouch method the redraw of the View? Do I need to implement a Thread / Runnable? I thought that invalidate() triggers the redraw, but this doesn't work. There is an invalidate() method in the end of onDraw() in my code. My question is basically the same as How to force a view to redraw immediately before the next line of code is executed , but unlike this question I don't need to change background Jul 18, 2016 · Whenever I do background work, I set GIF View visibility to ON and set its visibility to gone when work is done. calling Invalidate will not go and call Draw(). setImageBitmap(mIconBitmap); // Sets the tag In my android app, I download an image from the cloud. Feb 25, 2014 · I have created a layout that opens the dialog, and after entering the dialog, the user selects ok/cancel. I also added the popular PullToRefresh library. This is not a good idea to keep your grid view updated, if you update in that way it would cost a lot of time and memory. setVisibility(View. The problem is, the graph redraws itself at the end of the onTouch event. Instead of using techniques like virtual DOM diffing, Svelte writes code that surgically updates the DOM when the state of your app changes. I had a chance to reproduce it recently, and these what I have found out so far. VISIBLE); } May 23, 2021 · Just try a method if that doesn’t work skip to the next method. It is working for a simple activity layout, but when i am using a web view it's not working properly. tried invalidate(); and this. ViewHolder { public TextView mTextViewName; public Jan 25, 2012 · But the invalidate function in PuzzleView is not working. 0. extends View. Jan 5, 2013 · runOnUiThread(() -> view. setAdapter(adapter). 0-alpha01. In my case, I had to add some new rows to the list and it just does not work. Mar 12, 2018 · I am not exactly sure why setY() doesn't also update the second view, but you can work around it by setting the first view's top margin instead of calling setY(): ConstraintLayout. I don't think there is any kind of bug in the PagerAdapter. The d Today we will learn how to redraw View! The so-called redrawing is to redraw its appearance (style). RequestLayout: To initiate a layout, call requestLayout(). All things related to LumaFusion, an awesome video editor for iOS. permission. ) and you didn't know whether this view will be placed inside other View that can intercept touch events or the view structure is even more difficult. The Android Dev Guide has a good example of how to use Handlers with a ProgressDialog when you expand the subsection Example ProgressDialog with a second thread here. notifyDataSetChanged(); it did not work. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 11 months ago. Then I have a linear layout for other views including swipe refresh layout and recycler view: &lt;?xml version=&quot;1. E. Jun 23, 2012 · I have tried using invalidate() to refresh my view, and it will not work. If you're extending a ViewGroup (in your case a RelativeLayout) you should override dispatchDraw() instead of onDraw(). You don't find same control after notifyDataSetChanged(); because this function refresh view calling with. All container-parents of the ImageView have set android:layout_height="wrap_content". xyz). To start with this method, click on the “Select Design Surface(B)” which is located just above the eye icon. xaml is the element to display it not working. Preview 13 (current) I working on messaging platform like whatsup. When I drag click on first button it should show the first view also the same for second button. My layout xml looks like this: &lt;?xml version="1. GONE makes the view invisible without the view taking up space in the layout. My requirement is to update the text size on all my views inside my fragment when my Activity is resumed. The question is why? Is this a bug in Android? Shouldn't imageView. Sep 30, 2013 · I'm trying to figure out the optimization for my custom view. 1. private void refreshView(){ mScrollView. If you use the value 'wrap_content' it is up to the View itself to tell about the size it needs/wants. Creating a new adapter solved the issue. I feel the same as you. VISIBLE) forces the Android framework to update the view visibility (<- forcing the view to redraw) even if the view is already visible. VISIBLE); But the view doesn't become visible. When i press send button ı must update View. Feb 19, 2014 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Also on Android, same issue. Try the below it works. notifyDataSetChanged(); that also not working. you need to find check state as data part using any binder class. And this solution together with other solution in this page may not work. Share Follow From here everything will work well. Firstly, all data is displayed fine. That's how I call to redraw my view. In fact, neither does the view system know nor care about internal variables. View invalidate(int, int, int, int) part of a canvas, but onRedraw() the entire canvas? May 19, 2013 · As you can see i used view. rawQuery( "SELECT * FROM ssnt WHERE mid = 1000" ); //optional, initial query adapter. 0 List view not getting refreshed. LayoutParams params = (ConstraintLayout. I have a problem on Action_Move. The following key parameters control the refresh Dec 18, 2022 · I also tried to create a new page and inserted the old code but it also didn't work. postInvalidate(); Also note that redrawing a container might not redraw all of its views. Is there any solution that I can redraw my imageview in onResume method? Thus all my changes in onMeasure() in view class Jun 11, 2015 · Refresh ListView not working. VISIBLE) call recyclerView. There are similarities, of course, but Android specifically designed itself so that as little as possible could completely interrupt the UI, because on a small device, the User must know that SOMETHING is going on GONE means only, that the view is not taking any space in the layout, INVISBLE means, the view takes space eg. 4, the ListView shows the old sections while fast scrolling: So, when the user changed the sorting to Z-A, the ListView still shows this sections-overlay in order A-Z when fast scrolling. I solved my problem, when I need to refresh the view so I changed the ScrollView visibility to GONE and then again set it to VISIBLE to take effect and it worked for me. I have handle with two buttons. 4. I save pointers to current shown views in onScroll and ask every view to update the requested views, but nothing happens. Is this the best way to refresh the data set, or should I look towards removing the . Go to the page with the RefreshView in iOS and try to pull to refresh. Vivaldi is a web browser for power users that is fast, rich in functionality, flexible and puts the user first. public class ItemFragment extends ListFragment { private DatabaseHandler dbHelper; private static final String TITLE = "Items"; private static Jul 20, 2012 · I have searched but cant find a solution to my problem. Jun 15, 2014 · I just have read similar questions but all answer don't work for me. invalidate() be enough to redraw the image? What is also interesting is the fact that in my case bare imageView. adapter?. I have implemented AsyncTask to fetch data for recyclerview. Apr 10, 2014 · When you are not on the main Thread you need to use postInvalidate() on the View instead of invalidate() From the docs. Aug 1, 2016 · I have made a customized imageview with some editing for length and height size in onMeasure() in the view class. onCreate initialize AsyncTask reset Option -> nothing happen. When the user initiates a refresh, the ICommand defined by the Command property is executed, which should refresh the items being displayed. I have an expandable list view with a static array for the group data and an SQLite database for the child data. <uses-permission android:name="android. . While debugging, I realized that the data was there but just not Jun 22, 2016 · Try invalidating the view before running the new voices(). When ı send message ı must update the screen because ı am getting data in db. Removing the grid and the Graphics view will begin to update. private class DrawableI Jan 6, 2012 · Not because its not a valid test, but because the way the Android system draws is different from the way a lot of systems draw. This works well for 90% items. May 6, 2013 · I am working on grid view and i am new in android. changeCursor(cur); // or swapCursor(), cur is the initial and the only cursor Aug 9, 2013 · I've added a refresh button to the Fragment, the idea being that when you press it it retrieves any changes in the file and adds them to the view if necessary. I have a view in my android app that displays a graph. Forcing layout to refresh after adding Jan 24, 2013 · My ListFragment code . I wrote almost all the code inside the onDraw() method and there is a lot of calculations there. I have this custom view: public class CompassTargetView extends View { Context mContext; Bitmap mBmp; Matrix matrix; int w, Apr 15, 2010 · Android :: Force A MapView To Redraw? Android :: SurfaceHolder. I DO NOT want to use Activity. – Opiatefuchs Commented Sep 23, 2015 at 10:53 Mar 31, 2014 · Android : Refresh ListView not working. View (non-container class) calling the invalidate method will only redraw itself, and the ViewGroup call will redraw the entire View tree. getSupportFragmentManager(); FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = manager. I checked using the tmp variable if setBitmaps() method really changes the images, and this is correct. in the game in Canvas. May 20, 2019 · I have a recyclerview inside SwipeRefreshLayout in a fragment. So if it's synchronous, this should be at the end of the function, if it's asynchronous it should be at the end of all the operation of the async call. I googled but ı can not exact Jul 4, 2016 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. After clicking on the option, select “Force Refresh Layout” from the dropdown. The RecyclerView won't scroll down. Let’s see what are those methods: Method 1. Is there a way to change the view bindings and update the view. I tried fragment. support. recreate() and I have already tried: View myView = (View)findViewById(R. Version with bug. When it does not redraw itself after invalidate() has been called, I need to scroll the ListView in order to get the desired redraw. Why? Here is how I'm calling the setBitmaps method: The code to reload the view of a fragment was not working anymore after updating to the new version of Support Library 25. Again, please let me know if this is unsafe or a bad practice and if possible a working alternative. invalidate(); with no success So for now I'll be using onCreate(null) to refresh my view when I update data. widget. 0. bvqcsy laenipa fhtm zlo krtgzx ryvao dmtoga vezm hentx oiduq vsvuysus gosrl jqwspc bdzcg fxo